This source code requires the Version 1.1 developer archive on Aminet (dev/misc/gms_dev.lha). Compilation of this module means that you have read and agreed to the text in the DISTRIBUTION.TXT file. You have to do a slight install before compilation, just copy the new files in the Includes/ directory to the appropriate place on your HD. If using Dice, copy the tags.o file to Dlib:, and because of a change to the pragmas, you must now insert a line of "#define _DCCTAGS TRUE" into your normal program files, OR link the tags.o file into your programs. NOTE: There is a bug in SAS/C which occurs when using registers a0 and a1 together in a function. This only happens when both registers are using a pointer type, such as BYTE *, APTR or struct Object *. So if you see such definitions being replaced with LONGs and then being converted inside the function, it is done specifically to prevent this bug. To compile every part of the pictures module with SAS/C: 1> sc pic_data.c 1> sc pictures.c 1> sc pic_init.c 1> sc pic_copystructure.c 1> sc pic_functions.c 1> link.scr To compile with DiceC: 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi pic_data.c -o pic_data.o 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi pictures.c -o pictures.o 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi pic_init.c -o pic_init.o 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi pic_copystructure.c -o pic_copystructure.o 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi pic_functions.c -o pic_functions.o 1> dlink pic_data.o pictures.o pic_init.o pic_copystructure.o pic_functions.o tags.o cs.lib -o GMS:System/pictures.mod To compile everything at once using dice, just execute the compile.dcc script (will take a while though). The script does the same for SAS/C.